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Old 02-21-2005, 11:57 PM   #1
kaustic should edit this
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Default Advertising and conversion

I was wondering about advertising... and how to get known once we launch...

Besides TGP galleries, how else do you all suggest to advertise a new site?

I am going to be renting out a club down here on south beach, with fliers and girls and what not to get the name heard of to start-up and see if we can get some traffic to it.

After that, I'm getting a street team together to help promote the sites. Theyll each get a referal code and earn commission off of conversions... But we need something that will draw in a lot of traffic.

When everyone had their first start up, what was your initial conversion rates for the traffic generated? And what techniques did you use in your marketing plan (if you can tell me)

Any info would be great... Thanks guys
Miami..... what more can I say....
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