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Old 02-22-2005, 01:14 PM   #1
ErikEstrada should edit this
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Arrow Custom design your own t-shirts and sell them online.

You can now sell tshirts with your own designs in your own online shop.

All you have to do is upload the images you want, and customize your prices, and product descriptions. All the inventory and merchandising is done for you, as well as the billing. All you have to do is design your store and promote it!.

As soon as someone orders and item from your shop, it is screen printed on demand, and shipped. You receive a commission based on the mark-up amount which you control. For last month's earnings I received a $150 check.

Here is an example of my latest design, just to show you what you can do with it:


This is a fun way to make a few extra bucks, and cafepress makes it easy. Check it out and give it shot, here is my refcode: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/info/sto...px?refby=mapsu

If you have a question send me an email at harry AT harrywang DOT com
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