Monaro wow I just read this and well that's motorists for you.
I've heard of some near misses and some fatalities and I guess some motorists just don't see cyclists on those roads. I feel it's the shield factor, if they can't see you it won't hurt them when they hit you...
take care and get better soon and I know I'm showing as N/A for a bit (to get some work done) I am here if you need anything.
Our car is out of action at the moment - hoping to get it back today and if not the service guy will not be a happy chappy when I finish with him. It should have been ready yesterday afternoon...
We've got our fingers crossed that we'll still make it to Brisbane tomorrow and if the car isn't well enough then our computer guy has made the offer of a lend of his..
take it easy and if you need anything, Steve and I are not that far away really
