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Old 02-24-2005, 04:14 AM   #14
monaro should edit this Edit
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okay shall try to type with my left hand.
it was a bit upsetting about my bike and this guy Jeff's car bonnet, front grill and bumper.
Well my shoulder and right hand is still giving me pain now drinkin vodka to fix that feeling, doctor advised i have torn my rotor cuff in my right shoulder i said like is that what that pain is. She told me to take something that i have never heard of and wants me to do some sort of therapy for a few weeks. I shook my head and stated my other condition of recovering agoraphobic and how i just avoid anything like that.

So left hand is working, trying to use the mouse is a weird feeling and well no more headaches.

The car hit me head on but the speed was only 30kms jeff told me. The impact launched me about a 1/2 metre in the air and i landed hard on my shoulder, carried for about 2 to 3 metres and i found my face was feeling the heat from the bonnet. Every thing felt like it was in slow motion. I remembered lifting myself up and my right arm dam it felt like it was ripped off. I also remember looking down and seeing the dent on the car from my helmet the larger dent from the my shoulder impact wasnt seen at first as i was having trouble getting myself up off the car. Still very shaken as i didnt see it happen, the car just came out to turn and Jeff said he didnt see me. I remember looking to my right as there was a white van turning and well we both must have been watching this white van.

thanks for some caring words, i am not a tuff guy i even cried when the doctor was bending my arm this way and that, i can take a hit or two, for a short time i thought the doctor wanted to see how far it can bend backwards lol. yeah i can laugh at it now but dam that hurt.

Sweet & Gruntled, my front forks are all twisted. No hospital, the doctor was checking out my arm and felt my shoulder seem as it clicked and for a split second it felt good. I don't thing my shoulder was fully out of the socket.

anyway will not be missing sexpo, cant keep a good aussie down.

btw Jeff offered to shout a few beers
at the pub in a few weeks time after he dropped me back home he told me he lives only a few streets away.

Thanks for lifting my spirit and well being.

Talk soon
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