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Old 02-24-2005, 05:25 AM   #15
cheeky should edit this
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hmm you've had a few Vodkas... ok check your email when you can - and now we have the car back there is something else that needs fixing - all the timing is right so it goes back in the morning.

We'll be down there on Saturday so we can make an early start being as we have no idea how long these guys will take to fix this problem. Seems like they have no idea and they have this thing about females being able to tell them what the problem is...

If you can hold out till Saturday we'll come by pick you up and drive you there... so check your damn email ok.

Seriously Monaro... damn that hurts. Our brother-in-law had the same thing, is there any chance you can get the therapist come to you?

Chat soon
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