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Old 02-25-2005, 05:37 PM   #28
DonMike is I like toast
You need Gay content
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Originally posted by monaro
Tooheys is a really great bbq sort of beer to wash down well cooked lamb chops or a rack of ribs.
url tooheysnew.com.au/home.html happened to be one of my bookmarks LOL

Enfield, really cool Don. =)
Your cousin wouldnt happen to be a unix guru?
I know of a few hardcore unix guys who live close to Enfield NSW's
OMG, didn't that website bring back memories. Well, Monaro, the last time I saw my cousins was back in 87, sadly. They were in real estate or remodeling homes or something, LOL. It's been way too long. It was a beautiful place, though. I remember getting a hamburger at a little diner, and it had beets on it, and then I had to go next door for french fries. LOL! But I do want to go back to Australia someday.
Don Mike
ICQ: 317407511
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