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Old 02-26-2005, 04:01 PM   #1
cyberxxx should edit this
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Default XXX-Ring Cash Launched!

We are proud to present here XXX-Ring Cash - our new CCBill partnership program!

50/50 % Partnership Payouts for Life!!!
You will get paid for generated each sale and re-bill as long as your referred customers stay with us, not only on your initial sales. Unique tours and exclusive content for various niches for all kinds of your traffic - mean great conversions and long term retention of our members. You may send your traffic to some particular site, and/or to the whole XXX-Ring AEN. New sites and updates are being added frequently!

10% Affiliate Bonus!!!
XXX-Ring Cash affiliates earn money when other webmasters signup to the program under them.
Free Content, Banners and Free Hosted Galleries!!!
As soon as you've signed up you'll get access to a range of banners, free hosted galleries, free content packages and link codes through which to promote the site.

We also provide a high quality bannerless Free Hosting (unlimited disk space, PHP and MySQL) to our affiliates by request.

We use CCBill as a third party processor, which has proven to be one of the most strong online processors for the adult industry. So our stats are accurate and reliable.
FHG Store - Over 100,000 Free Hosted Galleries for your CJ and TGP sites!
XXX-Ring Cash - New Multi-Niche CCBill Partnership Program
SRevenue - Most Profitable ProAdult S-Revenue Program Ever!

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