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Old 03-01-2005, 04:20 AM   #10
besttoolbars should edit this
Citizen X
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Hello again! I decieded not to start a new topic but write in this one
I'd like to know your opinions on such a question: nowadays many companies use custom toolbars (Google, Yahoo, Alexa and so on) to promote themselves. And toolbar is a good marketing and branding tool. Also there is a software over the Internet that helps you to build a custom toolbar. So I'd like to know: What are the prospects?
How can such a toolbar be used? Which features it should have to attract users? I see such an opportunities:
- a toolbar for a hosting company, that should help users to manage their account and site;
- a toolbar for a forums like this - to managae account to, to make a search or for a quick view of a "Top 10" or smth like this (just think - voting maybe );
- a toolbar for e-store or auction - to be in a close contact or to order a goods, increase your price;
- a toolbar for a search engine. No comments Benefits are obvious

So, how can it be used? What features would you like to see if you would make a custom toolbar? And what should it has to attract a users?
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