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Old 03-01-2005, 02:10 PM   #7
Samurai Jack
Samurai Jack should edit this
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Originally posted by thruma

AC/DC Back in Black

This is probably personal taste but I was a little kid sick of disco music and I heard "For those about to rock" for the first time.
I had heard things like Jimi Hendrix and Van Halen but AC/DC sounded totally different.

I mention "Black in black" because it seemed to be the more popular album but For those about to rock was the first one I got as a gift.
You beat me to it. I too, was thinking of Back in Black. For me, no other album was so complete and had such an impact as this one. It put AC/DC on the map and paved the way for so many other rock/metal bands in the 80's.
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