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Old 03-01-2005, 11:12 PM   #1
Dwreck should edit this
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Default WebcamCash March Madness! 200% Payouts all MONTH!

Thanks to our 5x payouts on Valentine's Day and our Double payout weekends, February was a record month for us and to show our appreciation we are continuing our insane payouts this March. We want your traffic and we're paying top dollar for it by offering 200% Payouts for March on our newest payout option.

With this program you will earn 200% of every conversion sale you refer. Our pay-per-view packages are priced up to $170 so you have an incredible chance to make money. This table shows you how the payout works.

15 Minutes of Nude Chat -- Customer Pays -->$15 --You Earn --> $30
30 Minutes of Nude Chat -- Customer Pays -->$30 --You Earn --> $60
15 Minutes of Nude Chat-- Customer Pays-->$15 --You Earn--> 30$
30 Minutes of Nude Chat-- Customer Pays-->$30--You Earn-->$60
5 Minutes of Private Chat-- Customer Pays-->$30--You Earn-->$60
10 Minutes of Private Chat-- Customer Pays-->$50--You Earn-->$100
60 Minutes of Nude Chat--Customer Pays-->$60--You Earn-->$120
20 Minutes of Private Chat-- Customer Pays-->$100--You Earn-->$200
120 Minutes of Nude Chat-- Customer Pays-->$120--You Earn-->$240
30 Minutes of Private Chat-- Customer Pays-->$135--You Earn-->$270
40 Minutes of Private Chat-- Customer Pays-->$170--You earn-->$340

This payout is not tied to any sliding scale or conversion ratio. Get rewarded for sending quality traffic, even if your volume is not high. This is for the whole month so start today and make every day count!
This payout option is just part of what makes WebcamCash unique and it’s a great way to get your feet wet if you've never promoted cams before. If you have just a few hits or a few thousand make the money you deserve with WebcamCash the simple and easy way. Don't waste your time with payouts that aren't profitable. EARN 200% of EVERY CONVERSION with WebcamCash.
If you are already an affiliate and would like to capitalize on this payout option hit me up and I get can you changed over if not there has never been a better time to start promoting cams, so sign up now!
Our staff is dedicated and ready to help, and can be reached at:

Phone:In US & Canada toll free: 1-800-735-2423
International: +1-416-977-9734

Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549
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