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Old 03-02-2005, 01:00 PM   #20
DonMike is I like toast
You need Gay content
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Well, don't get me wrong, you definitely don't have to be gay to build, run or promote a gay site. I doesn't hurt, but it's not a necessary. However, like any kind of marketing, you need to know and understand your audience. I've seen a lot of gay sites that look like straight sites with men replacing the women and horribly embarrassing text. If you were doing a foot fetish site you wouldn't put big breasted women wearing shoes and talk about thier bodies and sexual acts, you would concentrate on their feet and what their interests are within the context of the foot fetish. If you are doing a gay male site you want to know what kind of gay men you are going after, Twinks, Bears, Leathermen, Older Men, etc.
Don Mike
ICQ: 317407511
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