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Old 03-02-2005, 05:50 PM   #10
gunner should edit this
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Originally posted by Jasun
70s. (straight guy choice) Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (heavy metal would not have happened had this album not been made)
(gay guy choice) Donna Summer - Bad Girls (Disco would have happened without this record, but it woudn't have been as sexy)

80s. (straight guy choice) Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith (showed that you could be metal and pop at the same time.
(gay guy choice) Culture Club - Colour By Numbers (showed that you could be a drag queen and a pop princess at the same time)

90s. (straight guy choice) Nirvana - Nevermind (without this album, music would have never been the same since)
(gay guy choice) Madonna - Like a Prayer (ok, it came out in very late 1989, but the dance music industry spent the next ten years copying it)
I agree with some of the straight guy choices, which makes sense cause I'm a straight guy!

but if I was gay, I'd say that WHAM or the Village People would have to be in there somewhere.

"wake me up, before you go-go"
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