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Old 11-03-2002, 09:15 PM   #2
m@rk should edit this
Join Date: Sep 2002
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If you are ready to offer some money to get whats needed, like good fast hosting, Germes TGP script, UCJ - TM3 trade script, feed your TGP the first 3 months with bought traffic, then it can be a breeze, if not it is hard work, it can take anywhere up to a year just to get 10k visitors a day and you don't start making money until you have that, preferably more. At the moment there has been so many newbies coming along thinking they would get rich quick that it is often better to check out the boards to see if there is any TGP's for sale, as they soon find out it's NOT that easy, I picked one up the other day for $200 it's got about 8k traffic and a nice design, put the right traffic trade script on a site like that and your soon up to 40k a day no problem.
All the best
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