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Old 03-10-2005, 02:02 AM   #1
Rochard should edit this
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Default Same Sex Marriages

Our industry as a whole tends not to discriminate against those amoung us who have alternate lifestyles (gays). I'm a good example - While I am obvously straight, I love lesbians, yet I have no problem addmiting I have a secret crush on THE LEGACY.

While I am very open minded, I have a very narrow mind when it comes to same sex marriages.

For example, I don't think Evil Chris and THE LEGACY should be allowed to marry (but only because I might be jealous).

But Seriously......

Two of my friends are gay, and they are wonderful. They are gay, very open about it, don't care what people think, and could care less about gay marriage.

I don't gays should be allowed to marry. While I have no problems with gay men or women forming a legal union and enjoying the same benefits I have with my wife...... My problem is that the entire definition of marriage changes. When I walk into DMV or my dentist's office and fill out my form and I check off "married" as opposed to "single", I want it to be clear that I am in fact married to a woman.

Is this reverse discrimination on my part?
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