You know, in all honesty I'm not that big on gay marriage myself.
But the thing is, in my own humble opinion, I think that there should be marriage and there should be civil unions. Both have the same legal rights and implications, but marriage could be for the straight people and the religious people, while civil unions could be for gay people or even for straight people who don't feel the need to be married in a church or have any connection to a religious ceremony.
The legal rights are the thing. If I ever met a man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, it would be nice to be able to have a document that says our bond means that I can be with him on his deathbed in the hospital or my family cannot contest my will if I die before he does, on top of all the other things.
On the other hand, I also think that "marriage" should not be exploited on reality tv and game shows. Funny how saving the "sanctity of marriage" never seemed very important when people were marrying for money and fame on a weekly TV show.