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Old 03-10-2005, 05:24 PM   #7
Jasun should edit this
The Prince Of Dorkness
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I'll sit at the back of no one's bus. "Separate but Equal" has never been the answer to anything,and it's not the answer here.

Sorry, dude, but if you're so uptight that you're afraid that if you check "married" that people might think you're gay, why not just get a T-shirt that spells it out? Maybe something like "Straight and Narrow" might do.

If you're actually saying that I shouldn't have the same rights as you, because it might make you feel odd, I just don't know where to go from here.

And although straight people who want to keep the marriage club exclusive and restricted complain that letting gays marry "changes" it somehow, none of them seemed to give a rats ass that Britney Spears can stumble drunk into a chapel in Vegas and marry some guy she knew in high-school "for a joke".

I mean, I've been with my man for 13 years... how are WE a threat to an "institution" that you guys don't even treat very well.
Where are you sending your Gay Traffic?


Last edited by Jasun; 03-10-2005 at 05:31 PM.
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