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Old 03-11-2005, 12:06 AM   #1
myjah is Back In The Harbor
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Talking AdultActionCash is on FIRE!!

You gotta be crazy if you aren't promoting AdultActionCash!! We have everything you need and our conversions are thru the roof! Our average affiliate converts at 1:15!! What more could you ask for???

*Earn up to $5.25 per email, $40 per signup, or 50% revshare!

*We have geo targeted banners and hotlist pages to convert your traffic better!!

*Pay out bi monthly via check, wire, paypal, epassporte!

*Exit Console Control where you have the option of a 3 pop exit, where you receive credit for the 1st and 3rd pop up. And the 3rd pop can go to the URL of your choice!

*Bonus Days and personalized customer service!

You can check it all out thru my sig or message me anytime on ICQ and I'd love to talk to you about the program. AAC converts!
Jill (Myjah)
CamZFeeds Sales
ICQ: 299322588
Email: jill@camzfeeds.com

Don't get left behind - Get CamZFeeds!!

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