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Old 03-11-2005, 11:43 PM   #13
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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Yeah, you were a little bit thick Jasun - which is why I didn't respond last night. My last intention was to piss anyone off.

I did start to respond, and my response was "I'll gladly ride in the back of the bus. That's where all the cool people sit".

I'm very opened minded, but yet somehow I don't think it's right that the definition of marriage should be changed. I married a women when the definition of marriage was "a union between a man and a women".

And I don't think I'd be offended if I walked into the dentist office and the chaps behind the counter giggled trying to figure out if I was gay, straight, or otherwise. I wouldn't be offended; But I think others would. I can care less what people think of me; I've established that time and time again.

Keep in mind that I'm the only straight guy on this board who stripped down to his Lightspeed boxers to go swimming with twenty gay (and buff) men wearing speedos at a CCBill party in Vegas one year.
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