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Old 03-12-2005, 01:32 AM   #15
Jasun should edit this
The Prince Of Dorkness
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Well, Rochard, it's nice that you'll hang out with gay guys and sit with us at the back of the bus and dive into pools and all that.

Slumming can be fun.

But just once I'd like it if one of the straight guys who hangs with me so he can brag about it to his other straight friends (up at the front of the bus where I'm not allowed) would actually think of me as an equal. I'm still waiting for that.

I'm not saying you wouldn't... I haven't met you..yet.

And I married a man once the definition changed to mean "a union between two people". And you know what? The sky didn't fall, the divorce rate didn't go up, and nobody thought that straight guys were gay because they were married. In fact, little to nothing happened at all.

And I'll tell you one last thing... few people know I'm gay to talk to me, and I know what straight people say about us when they think there isn't one of us around.

It's probably why I'm so quick to catch fire on subjects like this...

but let's have a couple shots of whiskey in Phoenix and jump in the pool, ok?
Where are you sending your Gay Traffic?

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