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Old 11-04-2002, 04:31 PM   #6
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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When we are at webmaster parties or networking gatherings.. I don't run up to people and say " Hi, if your looking for the best xxx web development company with cheap affordable rates with pleanty of extra's then let me tell you about ....." If you have a website then you need to be selling my sex toys.. what a wonderful way to add value to your website and increase revenue."

NO I don't and won't do that.. we talk on a professional and personal level, then when it gets to asking what you do and who do you work for..and do you have a card..then we get down to business. I'm usually the first to ask what another does. While we are meeting for the first time.. I am looking for personality.. integrity.. if they start slamming or pissing other webbies in the room I say nice to meet you and move on.

I see these boards as a "Virtual" networking base, I read and understand a board before I post and I watch how others post to get a feel for the board. If I see long time board members making announcments and it seems ok then I will do the same. I come to the boards to be a part of the community and learn and network and take a break from my day. If I want to read the announcment or "spam" boards I will.
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