same sex marriage goes beyond getting married in a church - even the tax benefits (that so many straights are complaining we are trying to suck out of the system) - the core I feel in the whole issue of same sex marriage is the right.. and privelege.. to have your best friend and love beside you when your in the hospital dying.
Its the right to be with the one that means the most to you, and the way the system is set up... any family member can demand that your partner is not allowed to support you when your dying - much less allow you the dignity of sharing in your fortune together.
Image if they world was reversed and you werent allowed to see your wife if she was sick and dying all because society doesnt beleive in straight marriage? Its cruel and inhumane to force a religious view down someones throat when they may or may not be christian.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato