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Old 03-14-2005, 01:00 PM   #24
DonMike is I like toast
You need Gay content
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Originally posted by TheLegacy
Image if they world was reversed and you werent allowed to see your wife if she was sick and dying all because society doesnt beleive in straight marriage? Its cruel and inhumane to force a religious view down someones throat when they may or may not be christian.
You know, Legacy, this made me think of something. There are ways that gays can get around this. There are many legal systems in place where we can get power of attorney, visitation rights, living wills and all that stuff. But it really sucks that a gay person would have to walk into a hospital with a portfolio of legal documents to prove their worthiness to visit thier partner, yet a straight person can simply say "I'm thier spouse".

Not to mention the hours and money in legal dealings to get all that set up when a man and woman can simply run to Vegas and have an Elvis imersonator marry them.

Straight people can get married on a whim or as a joke yet I could be with another man for 20 years and not be allowed to be married to him in the eyes of the law. I'm not saying that my opinion is the only right one, it is simply my opinion, but if you are straight, put yourself in that situation and see how it would feel to you.
Don Mike
ICQ: 317407511
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