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Old 03-15-2005, 03:00 AM   #1
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Default MensNiche Launches Gay Tour!

MensNiche releases a groovy new gay tour of the incredibly popular www.prosolutionpills.com. The new site can be found at http://tour2.prosolutionpills.com. Responding to increasing affiliate demand, this is MensNiche’s first gay site and will soon be followed by a new gay tour of www.Penis-Health.com.

As evidenced from their products incredible success, male enhancement has and continues to be extraordinarily popular with a straight audience. For the past year though, they have continued to receive queries about gay tours of their most popular sites.

Director of Marketing, Scott Trimble jokes, “If I had a quarter for every time someone has asked me if we have gay tours, my retirement would be in the bag. If the demand is any forecast of their success, these sites should do very well.”

Utilizing the same foundational principles that have made MensNiche sites so successful in the past, gay tours of their most profitable sites promise new revenue streams for their affiliates with related traffic.

About MensNiche:
In business for over 3 years, owner Darren Beale started MensNiche with the goal of creating the best converting and most affiliate-friendly male enhancement affiliate program on the internet. In April of last year, Scott Trimble and Andrew Slack took over business development and affiliate support. MensNiche now boasts over 15 sites in their product line, has recently implemented GEOIP tracking for billing, is currently creating gay tours and is in the process of translating and marketing their sites in non-English languages.

Any questions, contact either scott@mensniche.com or andy@mensniche.com.
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