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Old 11-05-2002, 12:22 AM   #3
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Default Re: What the pundits say about the NJ Senate race

Originally posted by 12clicks

this is what I've been saying for years.
the democrats have successfully raised a majority of underachieving, hand out looking for, dopes who believe that the more taxes you vote for, the more money the government will give you.

Never mind the fact that NJ ranks 50th out of 50 states when it comes to getting money from the Federal government.
I don't think the problem is the Democrats or the Republicans in particular, it is the entire two-party corporate-run system. Clinton was the first president in two decades NOT to require better fuel emissions from the auto industry. He cut spending for abortion groups overseas, all sorts of shady shit. Bush just happens to be a more blatant version of Clinton, he's only somewhat worse if you look at the bullshit the democrats pulled in 92-00.

The real problem is the corruption and pandering to the top 1% of the country. I agree with 12clicks in the sense that the gov't will never give us the money, though it's naive to think that a tax cut in which 40% of the benefits go to the top 3% is good policy. The problem isn't the black welfare mothers of NJ voting against a worthless Republican candidate, it's the lack of a good choice in the race in the first place.

-- edit: tomorrow I have to go cast a vote for CA governor. My choice are Gray Davis and Bill Simon. One is a convicted criminal, one is just a criminal. What kind of a choice is that? Makes me sick to always be voting for the lesser of two evils. --

Coming Soon!
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