Originally posted by SinSational
how to they compare to us massholes?
NO ONE compares to the MassHoles! LOL
Rule #1: Never make eye contact. That shows you are weak.
Rule #2: Do Not hesitate, Ever! Glance, signal, move.
Rule #3: The speed limit is the LOWER limit, dammit... now move to the right, asshole.
Rule #4: An oxidized and rusty 1982 Mustang beats a shiny new Benz every time when jockeying for position.
Rule #5: If driving around The Commons, failure to obey rules 1 thru 4 will result in you running out of gas and being publically ridiculed.
hehe, I got a hard and quick lesson in rules 1 thru 4 back in 1991 on a weekend trip from Quantico, VA to Boston with a Marine buddy (I was driving the Mustang
