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Old 03-28-2005, 03:31 AM   #2
Don Soporno
Don Soporno should edit this
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I watch it every week and love it. I like boxing though. The show to me is better than any reality show hybrid that has yet to come out. These guys all fight with emotion and drive. Most of them dont really have alot of money so the 5k they get if they win their fight is a very large ammount of money not to mention the Million they have waiting if they win the whole thing. Like I said, they fight and live with so much emotion its hard not to get caught up in it, especially with them giving you a look into their personal lives. It makes it hard to pick a favorite. Hell, my wife has cried at the end of every one of them so far except for last nights. Its hard seeing these tough motherfuckers holding their kids and crying cause they lost what is the best opportunity they have had so far. I guess it helps to be able to relate to the struggling to get your family up above water and the feeling of worthlessness when you stumble.

This show is for anyone who has ever been passionate about anything, anyone who has ever worked your ass off for somehting just to fall short or anyone has ever dreamed of being something they arent. Im not an emotional person but these guys really grab ya by the boo boo.

Last edited by Don Soporno; 03-28-2005 at 03:37 AM.
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