Originally posted by WWC-DonMike
LOL! Actually, I had a friend who lived in the apartment downstairs from me who used to be on the Mickey Mouse club show when Brittaney Spears and Justin Timberlake was on. Years later he still had his own Yahoo fan club. He was a really sweet guy, but it was just too much fun to mess with him, so I joined his fan club and would post messages to the message board. Nothing mean, or anything that would be hurtful to the girls that were part of it, but always something really sort of odd.
I would write things like "I'm his biggest fan and I want him to come to my house for egg salad sandwiches and I want him to meet my mom and play with my dog and we can be best friends and he will sing for me every day!!!"
Then I would get this pounding on my door and he would be yelling "Stop posting on my freaking fan club!!!" and I would just piss myself laughing.
I'm such a stinker.
you're too nice. i would have been brutal