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Old 04-05-2005, 03:02 PM   #10
rand should edit this
Citizen X
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Originally posted by lazzlo
Then of course I took 2 guess's and now have to call you back to re-set it, then do the double pend thing again. So for now I just get people to reload it and I paypal them.
Guessing the pending amounts won't work. But you're not the only one to try that.

There are other ways to verify your account. But your bank has an obligation to tell you about the activity on your account. Try again. Use VBV (Verifired by Visa) if you can as it's faster and easeir (if your bank supports it) but if you must use eP-Verify, call your bank and ask for a supervisor. This isn't that difficult and is the same thing PayPal does so your bank should be familiar with the request.


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Last edited by rand; 04-05-2005 at 03:17 PM.
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