Hey all,
2much is inviting everyone to get down serious-like at our butt-wiggling/schmooze event to be held Saturday night the 7th. At the 2much offices.
The official page and RSVP link is here:
We expect the winner of the poker tournament to be there, since it's largely in his or her honor - and everybody else too!
2much and LiveCamNetwork.com are definitely heading off to the Poutine & Beer warm-up, as well as the Join Right Now/Reality Cash bash.
We'll also be on hand at the MVC Poker tournament to see who wins the Big Prize (we're supplying it.)
And I'd like to throw in an invite alongside Vid Vicious 's - get in touch if you need to know the cool joints, hot spots and everything in between. Maybe we can have some fun while the newbies hit the seminars