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Old 04-20-2005, 09:06 AM   #1
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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Default Traffic Sources

I would need good sources for traffic - particularly in the "pay for what you want" category.

Not trades. Not blind redirected popup or under either. Nothing so unqualified.

I know there are sex.com ppc type things out there - the only converting one for our niche I've found is Sex.com. the "niche" in question is Live video chat, btw.

Then there's traffic brokers who put your link in multiple search type environments as well as harder-seeming static links (still rotate so can be less qualified), I'm thinking of people like TrafficDude.com

There's others, directories where you can buy your "feature" or toplist listing, but the traffic or the ranking seems a little non-descript.

So - where else can one acquire traffic that sizes up on ROI?

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