In the interest of providing only accurate information about YNOT Payment, it's our company policy to answer all individual questions about YNOT Payment directly by email rather than through public message boards. Although we want to reply directly to message board inquiries, the reason for this policy is simply because any quick and casual replies we might make on a message board could contain unintended inaccuracies or otherwise be open to false interpretations by viewers. Because of the importance of website billing services, we feel that any questions about YNOT Payment that cannot be answered through our website are best dealt with personally by our support staff in the interest of providing only full and accurate replies. If you have any questions that cannot be answered through our website then please email and we will provide you with answers.
YNOT Payment has launched after more than a year of development and testing, and in cooperation with established international billing company enterpayment AG. Webmasters can be confident that we have done our due diligence to ensure that YNOT Payment will provide them with the financial stability they need both today and in the future.
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