Smoking sucks yewt hard to stop
Hey Peeps,
I just came in to browse around and found this thread. I am in the process of quiting. I'm taking that pill called zyban and I have to say it works great. I never expected it to work so well. What I like about it is that you can smoke on it unlike the patch and some other methods. Yes, I know what you're all thinking.... either you quit or you don't there should be no in-between. Well I agree to a certain degree but being a smoker for over 20 years it's just not that easy. Besides I have reduced my smoking to a 2/3 daily by using zyban which amounts to about smoking only 5 a day instead of 15 or 20... I am close and just around the corner from quitting completely,
Wish me luck...! even though I don’t need it "cause I'm quitting anyway"!!!
Keep on Rockin'