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Old 09-03-2002, 09:30 AM   #7
Cyndalie is not it.
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Hey Socks,
Just got back from a beautiful weekend of fishing in Islandmorada, Florida Keys

Did you have any specific questions about Google? I focus mostly on Google because of not only it's audience reach (Aol, Netscape, Yahoo Web Pages) but also because it is actually very simply to stay within their rules and get ranked for what your site is targeted for.

I have a general overview of each engine published at http://www.theadultwebmaster.com/art...habit_01.phtml and a more recent version at http://www.cozyacademy.com/hub/2002/...008/page05.asp Most of this material is time sensitive and may have changed, so if you have any questions let me know.

There is a sad truth nowadays, is that people are learning to search more effectively - hence they are now being more specific and methodological about how they search. Therefore the same keyword rankings 2-3 years ago does not produce the same number of hits. (I hold a #5 ranking in google for "xxx pics").

Keyword optimization has become a trial of word usage and how you vary your density structures so that you can get more rankings for a variety of phrases from one page rather than one ranking per phrase per page. Google is great at this, and pages rank better as they get older in the engine...The trick is to build up "virtual real estate" that surrounds (points to) your site lending it relevance for even more primary and secondary keywords (phrases).

I recommend you check out my Classroom at Cozy Academy and my bi-monthly Traffic Talk classes at the Hub. The first 9 are here : http://www.cozyacademy.com/classrooms/traffic/index.asp

That should keep you busy for awhile
More articles can be found at http://www.adultchamber.com/members/advice.htm

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