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Old 04-27-2005, 08:36 PM   #1
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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Default Make Money Tomorrow Night!

From the "Too Tardy For The Site" department: make money with live pornstar pajama party!

Live Pornstar Pajama Party

(Montreal) April 26, 2005 - Live Video Chat Site LivePornStarOnCam.com will be featuring a special pornstar pajama party and site launch with Vivid girl Lanny Barby and a few friends.

Joining Barby will be up and coming site favorite Zeina Heart as well as web starlet Patricia Petite, for a free for all group free chat which will also feature a free xxx private Porn chat being given away.

Barby, who was recently signed to Vivid Video for an exclusive contract, calls LivePornStarOnCam.com her live chat home, and so can be expected to be putting in special appearances.

Webmaster and site promoter Alain Roy is expecting quite a bit of traffic for this and his future events via his live pornstar affiliate program, http://www.livepornstaroncam.com/webmasters.html .

The event will feature all three starlets chatting with visitors and, at some point, announcing the winner of the contest, who will then select which of the three he wants to take to private.

"Beyond that they will be entertaining and trying to fulfill various fantasies simply by being the pornstarlet that they are," said Roy.

Petite and Barby both have their own websites, while Heart's is on the point of being launched.

The event will begin Thursday April 28th, at 8:00 pm EST, at www.LivePornStarOnCam.com .


tell 'em mediaguy sent ya
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