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Old 04-30-2005, 10:52 AM   #11
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Originally posted by sweet7
another thing Don and I were discussing was alignment for portrait and landscape images. Do you think it is important for them to line up or is it more important for them to be in sequential order?
A bit of both. You want your galleries to have a natural flow to them as if you are telling a story.

When you lay out your galleries, you don't want too much white space or have your thumbs just look like they were tossed onto the page and wherever they landed, that's where they stayed.

The quality of your content is most important. If you have crappy quality thumbs or screen caps, it's not going to make much difference how you present them to the surfer.

These are some sample galleries of mine. I use both landscape and portrait full sized images and then crop them to specific areas of the pic.

Sample 1

Sample 2
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