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Old 04-30-2005, 11:32 AM   #12
sweet7 should edit this
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Originally posted by Panky
A bit of both. You want your galleries to have a natural flow to them as if you are telling a story.

When you lay out your galleries, you don't want too much white space or have your thumbs just look like they were tossed onto the page and wherever they landed, that's where they stayed.

The quality of your content is most important. If you have crappy quality thumbs or screen caps, it's not going to make much difference how you present them to the surfer.

These are some sample galleries of mine. I use both landscape and portrait full sized images and then crop them to specific areas of the pic.

Sample 1

Sample 2

In your case Panky, even the landscape thumbs fit very well because they have interchangeable dimensions in relation to the portraint thumbs. That is, the height is the same only the width is different.

My case is a little different as the thumbs are built into the gallery as opposed to the gallery being built around the thumbs. (your way is probably better I'd say)

Here's an example of two of my galleries. Please keep in mind I usually only make MGP gals and TGP gals are very new to me. (just started this week)

Gallery 1 - This one is completely sequential (order of image is not comprimised)

Gallery 2 - This one is more symmetrical (images aligned with each other) and slightly less sequential.

Also, what do you use to size your thumbs? I like to automate my stuff but it's obviously not always the best way to go.
<embed src="http://banners.videosz.com/webmasters/flash/120x60-1.swf" quality=high WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="60" menu="false" FlashVars="link=http%3A%2F%2Fwebmasters.videosz.co m%2Findex.php%3Fwebmaster_id%3D81"></embed>
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