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Old 05-02-2005, 01:21 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Military CASH Announces NEW Affiliate Program


PHOENIX, ARIZONA, May 1st, 2005: Military Cash announces the launch of their affiliate program. Military Cash is comprised of five sites—NakedSoldier.com, ArmyMeat.com, NavyMeat.com, MilitaryMenLive.com, and BootCampRecruits.com. All of these high converting sites are available under the Military Cash affiliate marketing program. www.MilitaryCash.com

With incredible conversion rates of 1 in 150, the successful program offers webmasters 50% base revenue share, signups, and lifetime rebills. For high volume affiliates, Military Cash offers even higher payouts of 60% and more. In addition to excellent financial incentives, the program offers webmasters the best marketing resources and a full time staff dedicated to assisting webmasters.

Joe Blow, VP of Marketing, said: “We are very excited about the launch of MilitaryCash.com. Under the direction of reAxsis Media Group, we are able to place the highest priority in providing webmasters will the tools they need to make our sites a success for their traffic. I look forward to working closely with Eddie and his team on driving Military Cash forward and strengthening our position in the gay military niche.”

Eddie Kreider, Principle of reAxsis Media Group, and his team are responsible for the successful coordination and implementation of MilitaryCash.com. He said: “MilitaryCash.com is the epitome of gay military sites. There are few affiliate programs that offer the service as powerful as MilitaryCash.com, so it’s a huge challenge, and an honor, to take responsibility of this program. I’m feeling confident and very excited about where we will take this program.”

For more information about Military Cash, please contact Eddie Kreider at 614.390.6581 or via email at eddie@militarycash.com. For media inquiries, please contact Drew Guenzer at drew@reAxsisMedia.com.
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