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Old 05-04-2005, 10:16 PM   #4
McAttack should edit this
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Originally posted by Vid Vicious
i've lived in both too . Toronto on two occasions one for 2 years and the other for 8 ... after returning to montreal .. and not having the same connections I had early on in my MTL life .. I ffound that I like Toronto better .. I like the Toronto weather better .. I enjoy walking into a place and wondering if the girls speak french or english .. I like that everything is overly priced .. What don't I like about toronto .. well for the most part it's a cool city .. the people I mean .. The best trait of montreal are it's inhabitants ! .. The worst part about montreal is it's economy ....
The economy is only now starting to recover from the 95 referendum and it's still not as strong as it was back then.

It really depends on what you're into for both cities. Toronto is a hard one to get used to if you're into partying. My friend was at a concert at the ACC and was told she couldn't bring her beer that she bought at the ACC into the elevator because it was not licensed for liquor... wtf!?!?!? Then when she did get to her lodge (up 6 flights of stairs) she couldn't bring that drink in even though it was bought in the same building, she had to get it from inside the lodge. And then of course they cut alcohol service at 9pm before the main band came on stage.

I've never lived in Toronto, I've only been for a few days at a time and while I don't hate it, it's not a place I'd want to live in really. I like the laid back attitude in Montreal. On the flip side, I love London (UK not ONT), which is an insanely busy city
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