Some really great stuff here so far... thanks for your input and I hope we get more Webmasters telling why they like & love the passion for this business.
Apollo, StuartD, princess and the other have some really good stuff there. As for PD, who didn't already know that! j/k bro you know I love ya'
As for me... I've been in it about 8 years so I am considered a pioneer or what I prefer, 1st generation. I love the biz for all of the reasons so far stated above and a few more. I hate the biz because of the loooong hours and tedious work involved at times. This biz has made me some great money and lost me some big money… but what the hell, who hasn’t it? I still keep plugging along and my plans are in the future to build and transit over into mainstream successfully which btw, has been more of a failure to those whom tried it then a success which have been very far and few in-between.
I look forward to meeting all of you at the up and coming shows.
Keep on Rockin’ (does anyone know who I am by this tagline?)