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Old 05-16-2005, 06:37 PM   #1
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Default NEW! Guaranteed LightspeedCash Payout!!

May 16, 2005 - NEW!!! Guaranteed Lightspeedcash payout!

LightspeedCash has decided to..."Put our money where our mouth is!" Instead of the usual affiliate sales contest, where only a handful of people win, we're going to GUARANTEE that our affiliates are paid for their hard-earned traffic and efforts!

Staring May 16th through June 15th, LightspeedCash will guarantee a MINIMUM PAYOUT of $0.02/unique click*, valid for up to 25,000 unique clicks in a month. And, $0.02/unique click is just the start! There are great potentials for affiliates to make even more then that -- we currently have affiliates who generate over $0.50/unique!

At LightspeedCash, we want to encourage our affiliates to try new promotion avenues...and this way, you can do so without the stress of wondering whether that traffic will be a wasted effort. This is a guaranteed ROI...even if you don't generate a single sale! At $0.02/unique for up to 25,000 uniques, you're looking at a minimum of $500.00...IN YOUR POCKET...whether sales are generated or not!!

For further information please do not hesitate to contact LightspeedCash at support@lightspeedcash.com.

* These must be legitimate clicks, no Pop-Up or blind traffic will be accepted. Affiliate accounts will be monitored.
Director of Business Development
ICQ: 114549321
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