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Old 05-16-2005, 10:25 PM   #1
Detour- Diva
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Default Fastest Growing Hookup Network Seeks Beta Tester Gangbang


Fastest Growing Hookup Network Seeks Beta Tester Gangbang!

Knowing that more hands are better than less, DateApp turns to its current online partners and the webmaster community to assist in new application development and testing.

In the sprit of open source collaboration, DateApp is reaching out to webmasters for their opinions in workflow and applications development for their newest additions to their matchmaking network, prior to release in late May.

“We have been able to develop faster than any other player in the dating & match making space because we involve our partners in the development process, with an average of five new personal sites launching daily, I know we are on the right track”, says Lee Markham, VP of Technology.

DateApp is seeking webmasters to participate in a constructive focus group for the purposes of beta testing its newest applications for constructive review prior to release. Interested webmasters are asked to register for DateApp’s upcoming webinar & conference call on Tuesday, May 17th at 5pm EST.

John Michael Cataldi, CEO
DateApp, Inc.
Office US: 678-318-3696 Ext. 100
London / U.K.: +44(0)7092 377813
Mobile: 404-849-0065
ICQ#: 175771465

DateApp, Inc. Family of Products:
www.DateApp.com <http://www.dateapp.com/>: Content management solution for the personals industry.
www.LeadWurx.com <http://www.leadwurx.com/>: Lifestyle Advertising Engine.
www.LifePrepaid.com <http://www.lifeprepaid.com/>: Alternate payment solution for digital media. (Launching May 2005)
Detour Interactive's Client of the Week:

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