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Old 05-24-2005, 06:03 PM   #11
McAttack should edit this
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Stuart... it's so much fun with him.
It's been about a year now that we've noticed that if it has wheels, Ryan loves to play with it.

Now he notices every airplane in the sky way before we do. Like a 747 at 35,000 feet. He sees it and points. It's fun stuff and I'm sure you'll have a great time.
That's actually a sign of optimism and positive thinking. During a child's development years there's always clues as to how they'll be in the future and him looking up at the sky and spotting planes means he keeps his head up, he's confident, and is always looking forward.

Alright I'm shittin' ya, I don't know what it means but hey if he turns out to be like that, let me know and I'll write a whole baby book based on my BS!
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