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Old 05-25-2005, 05:29 PM   #1
vip2005 should edit this
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Default www.bizarrewhores.com 4 sale accepting offers

www.bizarrewhores.com hello you may recently remember my post and 4 sale offer on www.exploitedwhores.com exploited whores is no longer for sale due to an overwhelmingly unexpected high volume of traffic and both trail and full membership sign ups , even though my buisness is developing websites and selling them i thought it would be fun to try diffrent traffic methods and it really took off with allot of hard work in design , adding content there really is good money to be made in the adult buisness.
why am i offering this mint A++ name bizarre whores , simple i maintaine and update my websites my self , and am busy developing other sites and will keep one or two of them for myself with a very nice steady income , but i cannot handle adding and updaiting contnet for another website, so this is a chance of a life time for someone , i will be accepting offers for about a month or 2 after then i may add a listing to ebay , all you need is content , you will be recieveing bizarrewhores.com , bizarrehoes.com , bizzarewhores.com <---- incorrect spelling . the others are a bounus and you can use as a redirect , I am only accepting serious offers , and if you contact me to make an offer use your real email address no free email address.
this mint name speeks for iteslf and is a chance of a life time for someone to own a top level first class domain , and capture a piece of the multi billion dollar adult buisness so visit
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