X Nations - View Single Post - I have paypal and need epassporte cash, anyone?
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Old 05-30-2005, 04:52 PM   #3
Greg Gaskell
Greg Gaskell should edit this
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Originally posted by Panky
No offence to you, but a word of warning to anyone who does this transaction.

Paypal is on the stance that these transactions are money laundering because there is no goods or services involved. Transferring money from PayPal to ePassporte is not a service.

If someone is using someone elses stolen PayPal account or if the sender disputes the transaction later on claiming that they never authorized the transaction, PayPal will freeze your account, withdraw the money that is in dispute, and the person in the middle becomes liable for the amount of the transaction.

The person in the middle,(the one who did the transaction), doesn't have much to go on since PayPal considers the transaction money laundering.

Thanks for your input, got it done anyway.

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