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Old 05-31-2005, 01:11 PM   #1
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Default The Mack is Back! PussyCash & ImLive.com doubles your PAYCHECK this June!

Due to webmaster demand, The Mack is Back!

PussyCash is committed to innovation and professionalism, and always strives to mix business with pleasure. So during Mack Daddy June from June 1-15, promote ImLive (the most advanced webcam arena) and PussyCash will pay you $48-$200 per sign-up!

Mack Daddy June is the highest paying promotional campaign on the net. DOUBLE YOUR IMLIVE PAYCHECK WITH UP TO $200 PER SIGN-UP! You won't find this kind of easy money anywhere else. All you need to grab the cash is to promote ImLive.

Refer at least one more ImLive sign-up June 1-15 than you did May 16-31 and you'll get a 50% bonus on your June 1-15 ImLive income - that's $48-$150 per sign-up, depending on your volume of traffic.

Double the number of ImLive sign-ups you send versus the number you sent May 16-31 and we'll double your money - that's $64-$200 per sign-up, depending on your volume of traffic.

If you didn't send any sign-ups to ImLive at all May 16-31, or you weren't even an ImLive affiliate, you'll automatically get a 50% bonus on every sign-up you send!

Send everything you've got to ImLive and let the site work for you. ImLive's excellent convert rate and PussyCash's advanced promo tools will make sure you milk your traffic for all it's worth... and during Mack Daddy June, it's worth a fat bank!

PussyCash is one of the most established webmaster sponsorship programs on the web. With over 5,000 active affiliates promoting its sites, for more information, and to start promoting ImLive.com, visit PussyCash.

Good Luck :liplick:
Mix Business with Pleasure

ICQ: 174167541
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