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Old 06-02-2005, 09:06 AM   #1
gabrio is cuddling the D3 ;-)
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Cool New softcore / non nude single girl site with italian hottie Tara! Pics Inside!

hey there!

We are proud to announce the release of our first non nude/softcore single girl site: www.clubtara.com - the personal home of Tara. She is a hot italian girl that enjoys having fun and hanging out. The site has pictures and videos of her, aswell as a personal diary where she posts personal notes and also takes members requests for photo and video shoots.

Since we wanted to give the impression of the site being 100% amateur, we have created a very simple and fast loading layout with a 10 page tour, 1 preview page for the pictures (with a few full sized samples) and 1 preview page for the videos, so the visitor will know exactly what he/she is going to get and this will hopefully clear any confusions that the surfer might have regarding what exactly he/she will have access to inside this non-nude site.

Club Tara is available for promotion in our Revshare Program (http://www.perfectodollars.com/signup_revshare.htm) and you will get our standard commission of 70% on each and every sale for life, up to 80% - and all recurring for life. Take this chance and promote one of the few REAL italian amateurs on the net.

We also offer our webmasters fan signs for their sites and all you have to do is to email me at gabrioATperfectodollars.com after signing up for the program with your affiliate ID and the text you want and i will take care of it. We value your traffic and we know that many of you appreciate some custom promo for your website(s).

And now....enjoy some sample pics with Tara!

So FB thought we wouldn't announce it in here, but instead we made it hehe!

Have a Great Day,

The Team From Perfecto Dollars

Perfecto Dollars brought you by Team Perfecto

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Thunder-Ball.net - Member - ICQ #132516819
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