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Old 06-07-2005, 07:50 PM   #1
AudreyLive should edit this
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Wink StandAhead.com launches new site: AudreysDiary.com! Hanjobs (pics) (PSP giveaway)

www.Standahead.com launches a new site: Audrey's Diary

Audrey's Diary features amateur handjob/blowjobs videos,

daily updates, livechat, and 100% exclusive content.

We have been testing the site for the past week and the conversions are insane!

Here are a few program highlights:

- Up to $35/trial
- Up to $25/trial console free
- 60/40 Partnership
- 5% webmaster referral (get those sigs up!)

- hundreds of hosted galleries (1 big movie, 3 movies or 6 movies)
- Thumb available for each gallery for thumb TGPs, with 10 different sizes
- Description available for each gallery
- Dump file feature where you select what info you want in the dump, and what separator to use
- We offer bannerless freehosting with no BW limit
- Tons of high quality free content

Screenshot of Audrey's Diary Tour:

If you haven't promoted StandAhead yet, now is the best time! If

you send 30 signups in June, you'll get a PSP or $200 cash!
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