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Old 06-10-2005, 11:52 AM   #1
MetaformX should edit this
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Default I am selling my NATS software which I puchased for $14,000.

I am selling my NATS software which I paid $14,000 for ($12,500 for the lifetime ownership of the software and $1500 for installation, setup, and walkthrough).

I leased NATS for StudioCash, and after trying it on StudioCash and being very happy with it, I then bought a seperate copy for another project, and this is the one I am selling.

That is how strongly I believe in NATS and the product they have, which is why I did an outright purchase for it, which in the long run will save you alot of money.

Of course as many know, I am leaving the business and need to sell everything, so sadly I will not be launching the other project. My loss is your gain.

John and NATS will do a complete installation, setup, and the walkthrough with you after the purchase, so you will be treated like you outright purchased this from NATS. I want to thank John and the team at NATS for being very supportive in all of this.

John is aware of this sale, so if you have any questions regarding this sale or NATS, feel free to contact him: albright [AT] toomuchmedia.com.

Check out http://www.democash.com for a complete demo on NATS, or http://www.getnats.com for more information. My version is the latest version out, Version 2.0

If you have been thinking about moving away from free sites and getting your own paysites or affiliate program going because of the new 2257 regulations, this is your chance to own the best cascading/affiliate management software for life outright, at a discounted price that NO ONE else will get. Everyone else who wants to purchase NATS will be paying $14,000.

Contact me and make me an offer if you are interested.

- - - MY CONTACT INFO - - -
ICQ: 127-058-515
EMAIL: ceo [at] studiocash.com
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