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Old 06-10-2005, 12:00 PM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default The race for .xxx

I think the introduction of a .xxx is bad for many reasons. It puts the online adult industry in a corner of sorts, and in the future, .com adult gurus may even be forced to give up their domains if they contain adult content. Nobody knows what might happen in that respect. One thing is for sure though... the introduction of .xxx means further segregation and isolation of the adult business online. That target on your website just got 100% easier to scrutinize.

On the other hand, it levels the playing field for everyone once again in many ways and forces everyone to play by the book. I for one will be following the implication of .xxx *very* closely, and (literally) the moment it opens up, I'll probably spend so much money on domains that I'll be in the doghouse with my wife for weeks.

Like everyone else, my hopes are high. I'm thinking that search engines with parental filters turned off will likely default to .xxx domains in preference over .com that contain adult content. Meta tags may make a big comeback for a little while as a result of this, and its transition period (which will be long).

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