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Old 06-10-2005, 02:05 PM   #6
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by DarrenAustin
I am all for the xxx to be added, I think it would get "Big brother" off of the Adult Industries back, not to mention that I think it would also be a good thing to keep minors off the site or at least allow the parents to identify an adult site easier.
Oh wait...one more thing you could block xxx from being searched so yeah I am all for it.
Evil Chris you were much more dignified in your statement and to think I had my own TV talk show hehehe
C'mon Darren, you don't actually believe that do you?

I think if anything, it would make it easier for them to keep an eye on us and further regulate our industry and INCREASE Big Brothers attentiveness to our industry.

Some government jobs would be used specifically to troll .xxx sites and messageboards that go with it (not that they're not doing it now).

When someone posts on a messageboard, something along the lines of, "Well, at least they're not making us do this...., because that would TOTALLY fuck us over and make our workload unbearable," what do you think the next regulation would be?

Who's gonna care what it costs us to comply, or if they tax us more? Noone, because it's the redlight district of the internet and they make BILLIONS of dollars each year, so they can afford it and probably SHOULD be paying more.

There are methods out there right now to keep children away from porn. First and foremost as I see it is a little thing called PARENTING. My kids have a computer set up but when they go online they're supervised. Imagine that. Protections are built into every browser now, so there should be no excuse UNLESS the parent is computer illiterate.

One thing I forgot to mention in my post, is if it remains OPTIONAL, it's not AS big a deal. I don't believe for one minute though, that once they become a mainstay, .xxx will be an option. They'll soon be made mandatory and those that have branded their .coms or whatever, will soon have something else to conform to-not to mention the lawsuits involved in getting that .xxx domain. Think it won't happen? I don't know about where you live, but where I live, an adult movie store has to be a certain distance away from schools or child related businesses.

Then we have the isp's potentially blocking all .xxx domains (that probably wouldn't happen). BUT, I see THIS law coming out in the future. ISP'S will be responsible for monitoring it's clients usage of .xxx domains, and passing that information on to the authorities, who will then search for any illegal content and then charge the SURFER for accessing illegal material on the net.

That would never happen because of privacy issues you say? Tell that to the models who are about to have their ID's handed out to thousands of webmasters and people POSING as webmasters. ALL of that under the "Guise" of protecting our children. Privacy concerns in our industry are of NO concern to the U.S. government. They've made that perfectly clear already.

Something I saw posted the other day that made me furious.

Suppose an 18 year old model poses naked a few times and her ID is handed out to the wrong person. Now, the government has stated that it's a risk it's willing to take, again to "Protect our children." This person now shows up at her OLD address, where she used to live with her parents, her 13 year old brother and 16 year old sister. Now THEY'RE in danger and they have done absolutely NOTHING. They're probably not even aware that their daughter/sibling has posed naked, and all of a sudden the 16 year old SISTER has a stalker. Is she a "Child"? Yes. Has she posed naked? No. What's the government's thoughts on that?

That scenario alone should be enough to get an injuction against 2257, but I'm not a lawyer or a politician. I'm a REASONABLE person.
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